Where do I participate?
- Shrinking spaces for innovation and contestation
Head of department
Dr. Julia Leininger, PhD University of Heidelberg, heads the department „Transformation of political (dis-)order“ at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS). Her comparative research focuses on explaining democratization, social cohesion, international democracy support and protection as well as governing the SDGs. In her research collaborations she aims to bridge different perspectives from social and natural sciences, which are needed to inform a transformation to sustainability. Julia advises policy-makers and international organizations. Amongst others, she is a member of the advisory board of International IDEA, board member of the Foundation for Peace and Development and advices the OECD GovNet. Her research is published in academic outlets such as Democratization, Nature Climate Change and Third World Quarterly. Julia teaches at the Universities Heidelberg and Duisburg-Essen.