Joshi Somya

Head of Division, Global Agendas, Climate & Systems // Associate Professor

Stockholm Environment Institute

Where do I participate?

  • F3RA-02


Somya Joshi is Head of Division – Global Agendas, Climate and Systems at SEI Headquarters, focusing on bridging science and policy for sustainable development and technology governance. She is also a lecturer at Stockholm University in Human-Machine Interaction. She has over 15 years of leadership roles at the science-policy frontier, advocating for decarbonization, global goals, and using futures thinking to bring about systemic change. From a PhD in Manchester in local regeneration to a postdoc at Cambridge on global development organizations and information flows, Somya is part of the leadership of the Stockholm Environment Institute. Somya heads the AI taskforce at SEI and is currently exploring how to balance the echoes of the past with the promises of the future.