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- Blueprints for Climate-Neutral Cities
- Building an Alliance for Innovative SMEs
- Green Startups, Climate Tech, and Venture Capitalists in One Room
- Re-Designing Economic Systems for a Sustainable Future
Ka-Ja Design Associates
Karma Thinlay Wangchuk is the CEO of Ka-Ja Design Associates and the consultant coordinator for the Transformation Lab, ReBuilt Bhutan Project, a collaborative undertaking between Bauhaus Earth and the Royal Government of Bhutan, exploring regenerative and bio-based construction materials in Bhutan. Over a period spanning almost three decades, Karma has been involved as an urban planning specialist in the planning and design of numerous structural and urban development projects throughout Bhutan, including several iconic landmarks—first as a government official and later as a private consultant. Karma has designed various urban centers in Bhutan, often leading the design team and serving as the national counterpart to foreign design consultants. His background in landscape architecture and urban design allows him to design sustainable settlements which are in balance with nature and the surrounding landscape. Karma was a SPURS Fellow at MIT, USA. He currently serves as a member of the core working group for the Gelephu Mindfulness City Project. He is also an alumnus of the United World College Systems.